Dave McKean

When I saw David McKean’s art for the first time, it struck me as odd.  I was 15 years old, the whole world of comic books was opening itself up to me.  Until then, the only comic book art I was familiar with was what dominated most of the shelves in the comic book stores:  Super-Hero comic art.  Dave McKean’s Sandman covers were much different than what I saw on the cover of Superman, Detective Comics and Uncanny X-Men.

I found his artwork very intriguing.  Making me think about what was on the inside of the comic book, that could inspire such an interesting cover?  That’s part of the beauty that is Dave McKean’s art.  It’s like a puzzle you need to solve, so you must buy that comic book now!   Haha!  I’m also delighted to say that Dave’s art appears in children’s books too!  He has teamed up with Sandman Creator & Writer Neil Gaiman (yes, again!) to create unique and creative stories for children.  I cannot tell you how excited my inner fan girl gets, when I check one of these books out from the library, for my daughter.  I feel like we’re both getting something new to read!  Dave has an enormous body of work.  Sandman is just the first place I was exposed to his work, and is only the tip of the iceberg.  You can learn more about all of his work on this very nice fan site.  Dave’s official website is currently turned off because he’s too busy adding beauty to this world.  Thanks for that, Dave!  🙂  Also if you’re interested in buying some of Dave McKean’s artwork please support your local comic book shop.

Sandman The Dolls House

Sandman The Dolls House

Crazy Hair (Children's Book)

Crazy Hair (Children’s Book)


Batman:  Arkham Asylum

Batman: Arkham Asylum



Absolute Death

Absolute Death


Images belong to Dave McKean

Agnes Garbowska

Cute is certainly a word associated with Agnes Garbowska, on every level.  From her artwork, to her little dogs Olive and Otis, and even Agnes herself.  Agnes holds a special place in my heart because I’ve met her, and own a commissioned piece of her art.  I met her at Emerald City Comic Con in 2012.  About 6 months before ECCC, I had a baby girl. My husband and I wanted to commemorate our geeky family by incorporating our love of Star Wars, and our new baby girl.  We contacted her ahead of time and asked for Han Solo, Princess Leia, and a baby Jedi.  What we got was the most delightful piece of art that makes me smile every time I see it.  🙂

What I enjoy most about Agnes’ work is that it’s light hearted and fun.  A breath of fresh air to help brighten my mood.  You can find Agnes’ artwork in the current My Little Pony comic book series.  On her official website you can find the web comics, Imagination Station and Waking up Abbey.  She also has a self published graphic novel: You, Me, and Zombie which is about a cute little girl named Olive and her dog Otis.  Together they are trying to solve the mystery of the zombies taking over town.  Agnes shares her projects and commissioned pieces on her DeviantArt page.  I also have to mention that her Instagram is full of the ever adorable Olive and Otis.  The most geeky chic dogs I’ve ever seen.  Below you can find our Star Wars Family piece that Agnes did for us as well as others that make me smile.

Agnes in action! She’s doing the finishing touches on our commissioned piece.

Star Wars Family - Agnes Garbowska commissioned piece. 2012

Star Wars Family – Agnes Garbowska commissioned piece. 2012

Doctor Who and Rose Bad Wolf

Doctor Who and Rose Bad Wolf

Avengers at the park!

Avengers at the park!


“Doctor Who and Rose” art and “Avengers at the Park” art were taken from Agnes Garbowska’s deviantART page.

All other pictures are property of me.

Travis Charest

I’m super excited to introduce my friend Shiloh. She is a fellow art lover, and I’m so thrilled that she agreed to be a regular poster on ‘Art is __’!! She loves comic art on a level that I can’t attain, so expect to see a lot of awesome comic artists from her. I know that she’ll also bring new art that I might not necessarily choose because of my taste, so that is what is really awesome. So, without further ado…. I introduce Shiloh! 

Hi, I’m Shiloh and I’m excited and thankful for the invitation Lorianne has extended to me!  She has designed such a fun and thoughtful way to spotlight unique artists and their undeniable talents.  I’m also really looking forward to sharing some of my favorite artists, as well as discovering new ones with you.

One thing you’ll learn about me is that I love comic books and sequential art.  A long time ago in a city far, far away I used to run a comic book shop.  This shop was next door to a hair salon where I once took a comic book (Wildcats v2 #1) with me to use as a reference for a hairstyle I wanted.  Yep.  You heard that right.  With all the fashion and hair magazines in the world I used a comic book to show my hair stylist how I wanted my hair to look.  And when you see Travis Charest’s stylized realism I think you’ll understand why.

Travis Charest’s art is absolutely stunning to me.  He began working in the comic book industry in 1993 for DC Comics.  He’s worked on titles such as Showcase Comics ’93, Darkstars and WildC.A.T.S.  He has done many covers ranging from Detective Comics, The Outsiders and various comic books published by Wildstorm Studios.  Hailing from Canada, his eye for detail is meticulous and his steampunk colors, with exciting bursts of color lend a lot to his texture.  He uses ink wash and watercolor brushes to achieve the various tones that help make his work stand out.  He is clearly a perfectionist and that also means his creations are slow coming.  The result leaves fans like me waiting ever so patiently to see his next piece and all the beauty that lives within.

Travis Charest DivineRight

Divine Right #1 Variant Cover

Travis Charest MetabaronsPage-26.27b&w

Metabarons – splash page 26-27 in B&W

Travis Charest MetabaronsPage_26-27colorA

Metabarons – splash page 26-27 in Color

Travis Charest CaptainAmericaChosen6

Captain America: The Chosen #6 cover

If you would like to read a comic book featuring Travis’ art I would suggest Wildcats v2 and/or Alan Moore:  The Complete WildC.A.T.S.  Not only is the art fantastic but the story is great too.  You can find these trade paperbacks through the links provided or you can support your local comic book shop (which I highly recommend!).

You can enjoy more of Travis Charest’s art by visiting his website here!

All images are from Travis Charest’s official website.